Tuesday, December 28, 2010

TERRORISM a global issues of peace

TERRORISM a global issues of peace.Terrorism today - is - the most powerful weapon, instrument used not only against the authorities, but very often - and most
Authority to achieve its goals.

Terrorism appears when society is experiencing a deep crisis in the first turn - a crisis of ideology and the state legal system. Such society there are various opposition groups - political, social, national, religious - which is questionable legitimacy of the existing power
Methods of terror
- People in most countries, unaccustomed to political violence and fear him.
So today the most effective methods of running and terror - violence is not against the authorities, but against innocent, defenseless, and that it is extremely importantly, not related to the "addressee" terror of people, with mandatory demonstration of the disastrous results as it was terror, and America in bomb the Trade Center in September 2001 or the bombing in Budennovsk.The object of attack - a hospital, a maternity hospital. Or events that occurred in Kizlyar,
Pervomay, as well as the explosion in Moscow, etc.

The challenge of terrorism - to involve a large mass of people for whom a goal terror is so high that it justifies any means, or so unscrupulous that they are ready to implement any abomination.

Through "lofty motives" usually involve young people, who, by virtue of mental and moral immaturity, easily "bite" on radical national, social or religious ideas. Induce her most through totalitarian (ie completely suppress the will of the people and subjects them only the will of the "leader" "teacher"), religious or ideological sects. Most known example is the cult Aum Shinrikyo "

The main way of financing - criminal activity. Which includes a "normal" organized and unorganized crime, taking control of key areas of criminal business.
Today the main source of financing of terrorism - the control of drug trafficking, racketeering, prostitution, arms trafficking, smuggling, gambling, etc.

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